Story Review
I just loved the way how the film started off. The director gave an overview of how a hectic working life routine is. It helped got connected to the film so easily as I could see myself in it and that is a big win for a director when he can get the audience to connect to the film. From there he smoothly introduced the hero and for someone who doesn't fancy Simbu, I was immediately won over that this film is not going to be a typical nonsense Simbu film but it is a film which will see the director dictate it to his style more than towards Simbu's style.
The genre of the film can be classified as a simple feel good story. Indeed it is a very simple story but what makes a fantastic film is that most of the scenes you see in the film are things that could have happened in your life or in the life of people you know. It was real, it was simple and it was beautifully executed by the director.
It's a story of a boy who meets a girl in an arrange marriage and falls for her but has to explain to her about his past relationship and face issues raised as they about to get married. That's what the film is all about but yet again it is a super feel good film and surely worth a watch.
The only down side for me in terms of story is the length. I felt the movie could have been easily 50 minutes shorter as I felt the movie should have ended in the scene in the picture below
Up to this point the film was absolutely perfect to me. Honestly I felt this was the climax scene and was ready to walk out of the cinema until the played the song and I saw on my watch there is 50 minutes to go.
The next 50 minutes turned out to be quite annoying to me especially the next 20 minutes which shows Simbu and Nayanthara hanging on the phone being in loved and talking stuff. It was just annoying and totally unnecessary. It was this part which tempered with the quality of the film and is what that will cause me to reduce my rating of the this wonderful film
The director got it absolutely right in his casting and huge credit to the director for that. Each actor picked for the role nailed their performance and he knew how to get the best from them. More importantly with the right casting, the director manage to get an amazing on screen chemistry between Simbu-Nayanthara, Simbu-Andrea, Simbu-Soori and Simbu-Father.
Rating: 4.0/5.0
Director Review
The director got it absolutely right in his casting and huge credit to the director for that. Each actor picked for the role nailed their performance and he knew how to get the best from them. More importantly with the right casting, the director manage to get an amazing on screen chemistry between Simbu-Nayanthara, Simbu-Andrea, Simbu-Soori and Simbu-Father.

There were to let down for me personally. First as I have already mentioned was the draggy 50 minutes of the film which could have been eliminated. Second is the quality of the top view camera was so poor. Not sure why or how he allowed that in film or perhaps he was experimenting with a new idea which I don't understand but I wasn't impressed with it.
Another win for Pandiraj was the fact he used the emoji, the caller screen appearing whenever some one calls and the twitter description of the character during introduction. It felt very Gen-Y and helped me connect to the film better
Rating: 3.8/5.0
The Cast
Without a doubt I would classify this as Simbu's best film after Vinnaithandi Varuvaya. It was so great to see a subtle, soft spoken Simbu in the film. He was fantastic from the first scene right up to the final scene. I would say it was a flawless performance by him.
It clearly shows that the guy has immense talent, and if he picks the right scripts with the right director than you will get to see the very best of Simbu as an actor. He played the character to his strength and his class. It was a very simple fun loving guy role which he was so natural in it.
His performance felt real throughout and he deserves all the praises in this film. The man has been going through a rough patch of screen recently and this film will surely be his big comeback and AYM is going to raise him to another level. If he plays it smart and picks the right film, Simbu can certainly on the same ranks as other top actors in the industry.
Credit to Simbu to be able to pull off a couple of different looks in the film without losing shape of his character. Fantastic stuff.
Rating: 4.7/5.0
Nayanthara & Andrea

Personally I did not enjoy Nayanthara's character in the film. I found her as being rude and annoying and too dominant in the relationship. Not the type of girl I would want to date. Putting that aside, I think she did very well in playing the role. To be able to pull of that character wouldn't have been easy and she played it well. It is nice to see heroine getting a huge chunk of screen time and she did justice in her scenes.
It becomes a bigger challenges when the second heroine you have in the film is someone like Andrea who can easily over shadow you with her quality, yet her performance stood firm to show why she is one of the industry's leading heroine
Without a doubt I was in love with Andrea from the moment go in the film. She was freaking stunningly beautiful and there is no doubt about her acting skills. She nailed the character easily. Plus, I love the nature of her character as she is the type of girl you would want to fall in love with. Her character had two shades and she was equally good in both shades as a girl in love and as a girl who wants to get back to her ex boyfriend. One of the most underrated, versatile and gorgeous actress in the industry.
Rating: 4.5/5.0
It was thanks to this man which helped me got through the last 50 minutes of the film. He plays the role of Simbu's motorbike driver. Yes you read it right, motorbike driver for Simbu. His role had a significant impact in the overall feel of the film.
Soori was at his peak at his one liners whenever Simbu speaks to Nayanthara and his counters to Simbu can leave you in laughter. You would actually laughed out loud at his one liners. I was so pleased with Pandiraj for casting Soori in this role as it could have been easily ruined by any other comedian.
The Music
Correct me if I am wrong but this is actually Kuralaran's first film as a music director right and I think he has done a wonderful job for a first time. Even if it is not his first film. I think the quality of his songs and bgm was really good and pleasing to hear.
Looking forward to his next film
Rating: 3.3/5.0
Final Rating: 4.1/5.0
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