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Following Maaravaan, the hype on SD Puvanendran has been
immense. After delivering a quality film, people where anxious to know what is
next on the cards from him. The hype increased further when he announced that
he would be joining hands once again with Haridhass for a film titled “Aasaan”.
I was blessed to be provided with an opportunity to watch Aasaan on it's premier screening at Federal Theater on the 15th November 2017 and here is my review of the film.
Story Review
Aasaan is film that can be easily divided into two halves.
The 1st half of the films taps into one type of genre while the
second half of the film taps into a different genre. From the trailer, we can
see that this film revolves around an Applied Mathematics Professor life.
The first half of the films explores the relationship between
Madhoosudanan (played by Haridhass), an Applied Mathematics Professor and his
daughter Mythili and the struggles they go through together.
This portion of the film is written in a way that keeps us
wondering why they are going through these struggles and how can they come out
of it. The reasons why and how are kept hold tightly by the director until the
interval block before it is revealed and that leads us to the second half of
the film. Here is where the story moves on how Madhoosudanan overcomes this
phase of difficulty.
The second half of the film deals about how Madhoosudanan
engages his mathematical knowledge to solve an issue and at the same time use
that to solve his own difficulties.
The biggest credit I can give for the story is about how smartly
the film was written. As I understand it took SD Puvanendran a year to write
the script. So much of research has been done into developing the script.
I am sure if you were to go and google the terms they used in
the film, it would be a real term and justified why it was used in the film.
Well done to the whole directing team for doing your homework well.
It was great to see our films moving into new zones and in this
film the whole mathematical portion was such a welcomed addition. I enjoyed how
well that was written into the script and it was the script that demanded such
thing not an element being forced in. Well done on this.
However, what I didn’t enjoy in the film story wise was the
lack of pace throughout the film. I felt too many things were put in the film
to shows us the development of the character or story and that kind of slowed
the pace of the film.
The slow pace worked well for the first of half of the film
as it deals between the relationship between a father and his daughter despite
it could have been trimmed down much more and use that screen time in the
second half.
Since the second half of the film deals with Madhoosudanan
working out his problems, I was expecting more pace and engagement in it. In
simple words, I felt it should have had more “mass” feel in it which it was
lacking badly.
The designs of a couple of scenes could have been treated much differently and better to create this "mass" feel which could have hyped up the audience better. An example would be the video clue decoding scene.
Despite having a good smart film, certain lags in the film pushes me to give the story review a slightly low scoring than what it could have been if it was treated differently.
Rating: 2.8/5.0
Director Review
SD Puvendran
The way this film was treated and directed, it doesn’t look
to be in the hands of a man who has only directed 2 films. SD Puvanendran is without
a doubt one of the neatest film director in the Malaysian Tamil Film Industry now.
I loved the effort and work he put into developing this
script. I am very confident you had done a lot of research and study to incorporate
the mathematical genre into this film. After Aasaan I am confident more
directors would start venturing into new scopes for their films. Thank you for
Credit to you on the way you designed the Madhoosudanan character.
The character had a few different shades into him and you designed it very well
and places those different shades at the right time and place. Well done.
I enjoyed your placings of “Paathi Nilavu” in the film as it
gave life to those portions which brings us to the manner you wrote the
father-daughter dynamics. Having a daughter, yourself, I am sure it must have
been an amazing experience writing and shooting this portion. It came out beautifully
and I am sure there are portions in the film which will make the audience cry.
I loved the way the scenes which shows the mini flashbacks/montage/memories
of the character was done. The pace of it and the colouring of it was very well
done and I enjoyed that idea of executing it.
What lacks in terms of story was well made up for in terms of
directions and other technical aspects. There is a reason why people talk
highly about you as a director and Aasaan will further establish your name as
one of the finest director in our country.
Rating: 3.5/5.0
The Cast
The first thing I felt about you after watching Aasaan was “WOW!”.
You were a class of your own in this film. It is so easy to see why you are
perhaps the finest actor in our industry. Such a powerful performance by you.

This is a film that gives the lead character plenty of screen
time and power to dictate the film. It is a character that has various shades
to him. Let it be happy, sad, frustrated, angry and even looking crazy.
Out of all the actors available, I must thank SD Puvanendran
for picking you to this role and huge credit to you for taking up this role.
From the character design, it is obvious that this is such a challenging role
to execute and you played it brilliantly.
I came in as an audience and walked out as a fan of Haridhass.
There is so many scenes I can pick out to highlight your capabilities as an
actor. One example would be the interval block scene. So much of raw expression
you showed. I was stunned.
My personal favourite scene int the film was the way you emote while Mythili speaks to her mother over the phone. It captures the very emotion of being a father. I am sure this is a scene that will drive tears out of the audience.
Rating: 4.3/5.0
Shashi Tharan & Seelan
Both Shashi & Seelan plays a bit part role in the film
yet an important character that is needed for the story. I particularly enjoyed
Shashi performance, who plays the managing director of a big organization.
His screen chemistry with Haridhass should be lauded. To
share the screen with such a powerful actor like Haridhass, Shashi had to
ensure that his performance was equally good to compliment what Haridhass was
giving and he rightly did so.
Despite the limited scope given to him, he can bring out a
good performance and it is something the audience will enjoy.
Seelan in the other hand plays the role of the lead character’s
most trustable aide and best friend. Once again, his character also has a very
limited scope and room to stand out and perform. He executes the given role without
much trouble.
His scene where he speaks to a “Datuk” is one that will evoke
laughter with the crowd and you should good humor body language in that scene
which should be complimented.
Rating: 2.7/5.0
Saresh D-7 & Sugitha.
Sugitha pivotal role in bringing the film to the second half
of the film. Once again it is a character with very little scope to perform except
a couple of classroom scenes and how she reacts to Saresh’s advances is commendable.
Saresh plays the role of Rakesh in this film whereby he is a
student is Madhoosudanan’s class and is also a hacker who does it on a small
scale. He is one of the character that brings laughter to screen in what is
more of a serious toned film.
He will convince you with his performance as hacker not
because of the computer knowledge his character has but with the way he
executes the role. From changing his looks to the way, he talks and thinks,
Saresh D-& has clearly did his home on how a hacker student will sit, talk
or behave. Well done.

Rating: 2.7/5.0
The Music
When the audio launch of Aasaan was done, it was making
rounds as this film has 3 different music directors for 3 songs and another musician
for the background score as per the following.
Music Director
Song Tittle
Paathi Nilavu
M.Jagathees & Balan Raj
Ethiri Evanda
Jaya Eashwer
Hari Maaran
This seemed different and once again a welcome addition to
see multiple music directors working in one film. As amazing as all 3 songs
turned out to be, what was the biggest let down for me was the length of the
song used in the film.
The film didn’t used the full track of the song and for me
that was a real let down. Among the 3 songs, the one song that was well
utilized in the film was “Paathi Nilavu”. This is another slow poison magic by
Ztish and it grows on to you over time. It gets better when you see the placing
of the song in the film with the visuals. It surely did make a few people cry
in the premier.
Without a doubt Ztish has now if not establish himself as one
of the best music composer in our country. Looks like every song he touches
turns out to be a masterpiece.
A big area of improvement in this film for me was the background
score. In many portions, the background score didn’t compliment the scene that
was going and was a turn off, especially in the climax scene.
I am going to rate the music portion of the film as 3 full
tracks and bgm instead of the length of the track that was used in the film.
Rating: 4.0/5.0
Final Verdict: Class is in session! Watch it
Final Rating: 3.3/5.0
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