When I
finished my SPM, I knew at that point chemical engineering is what I wanted to
do and I worked my way hard to achieve it. But along the way, I started to
discover a whole new passion. I realized that one of my best strength is that I
am able to connect to people fast and that makes it easier for them to open up
their issues to me
With that I
realize I was able to do something about their situation and help guide them
through making better choices. I was able to change people’s life. That ecstasy
feeling I got every time people come and thank me for guiding them was
something I never felt before and I was loving it and wanting it more
But how can
an engineer keep doing this. My professional career wouldn’t allow me the space
to do so. I knew I couldn’t be the only engineering student feeling this way.
It was at that point where I met this guy, Wesley Chan.

I was just stunned
hearing what he was saying, because I am similar to Wesley, an engineering student
who wants to change and inspire people’s life. Yet I haven’t found the right
path to make my vision come true, but this man across the table, having his tea
is already living his dream. At times point I knew, I wanted to be just like
and I got curious to know how he did it.
“Wesley, how did
you made all these possible, from being a UTP Gold Medal winner to a
motivational speaker to an upcoming author, how did you embark on this journey.
What is your secret?”
“I’ll bring you back to my memory into 2009,
it was this called Professional Communication Skill (PCS), there were about 40
students and we were all dressed formal to do a persuasive presentation to
convince the crowd about an idea, product or a service. I was about nervous
because I was about to present about “The Secret” while the rest were doing topics
like “Why we should have more car parks and hostels.”
I was the last speaker of
the day and I was very passionate about my topic. At the end of the 7 minutes,
half the crowd was silenced and at the back of the room stood this lecturer of
mine who is a little short, tanned skin and built and he said this one sentence,
“Wesley, if you fail to be an engineer, be a motivational speaker.”
That was
the spark to my career and not only that, I was very obsessed with what makes
people successful. I started to read a lot, attended seminar and search for
videos on YouTube. It was in my final year where I decided I won’t be an
engineer but I wanted the Chancellor Award, because I knew that with that
Chancellor Award I could get more speaking engagement.”
Many of us
had dreams and passion but we often don’t pursue it because we are already
doing something else. For example in student’s case, they have enrolled in a
course not of their passion and they can’t tell it at home they want to do
something else. I realized Wesley too was in this position and I wanted to know
how he handles that situation
“You knew you
wanted to be a speaker and not an engineer, but not those around you. So how
did you break that news to them and convince them that this is the right thing
for you”.
was 2013, it was in my house, in my living room and across the room was an
older version of me, my dad and he told me to sit down. I knew what was it
about and he asked what happened to my job while I told him I had rejected all
the offers. He couldn’t believe that I didn’t want to be an engineer despite
being the best student in UTP and one of the best students in Malaysia and I
told yeah, I want to be a speaker. He stood up, slammed the table and told me
he don’t want to see me anymore in his life.
At that point, there was an angel
and demon in me and the demon will say “Just give up lah, become an engineer”
but I remember just like yesterday the angel whispering into me saying “Stay
faithful to your dreams.” I listened to my angel and continued and after a year
my dad called and he said “Son I am sorry I pushed you too hard. I will always
be proud of you in what you do.”
What I want to share here is that I believe
when you do the best, god will handle the rest. Listen to your own angel and do
it. Results won’t come in a day but you must initiate the results. Nobody is
going to believe you at first but just start doing it."
Wesley is
this guy who always has a smile on his face and is always energetic. The
expression he gives when he talks always shows that is ready to go on and
chance the world. “You look like a guy who is full of
positivity. Looks like there is nothing in the world that can take away this
amazing energy you have. But have there been a point in your life where you
were not this positive. Was there a moment where you were a bit negative, not
full of confidence? Can you share with us how you made that transformation from
being negative to positive?”
“When I was young child winning a few
national championships in Taekwondo, I was told that I was arrogant and trust
me you don’t want to be called arrogant when you are a kid. I isolated myself,
became very lonely and put a fake smile.
I was about 13 and at the peak of my
Taekwondo career. I did not have much friends and even my coach told me I was
arrogant. People use to talk to me behind my back and I felt lonely. What kept
me going and positive was sports, because I was happy and being original when I
played sports.
That was my passion and when you do your passion, you become
original and that’s the real you and that how I make that transformation. I
love what I do and there was no room for negativity. You will find joy
following your passion and you will find that positive energy.
So when you are
negative, find things you like to do, find joy. When you like sports and play
sports, you put all troubles behind and become so hype up and that is because
you love what you do. All you have to do is find something you love to do and
just do it"
In most of
Wesley’s training's and talk, you will see him speak a lot about Chemical X and
that got me curious to know what is Chemical X. “Wesley, what is
Chemical X, where can we get it?”
“The story of Chemical X started when I was 7,
me and my mum use to watch television together and on Sunday morning, my favorite
cartoon will be played and it is Powerpuff Girls. It is still my favorite
cartoon today. At the start of the show there will be this song which mentions
the professor accidentally pours in CHEMICAL X. I knew that it is because of
chemical x, they became superheroes.
I went to school and universities asking
teachers and lectures what is chemical x, but they couldn’t tell me. It was
until after I graduated when I went to a home in Kapar, Klang. There was this
lady who is a dialysis patients and she has to go for her treatment through her
stomach with a tube the size of a pen, 3 times a day and 20 minutes each and
you become very tired after each session.
Can you still imagine helping other
people despite being in that position? Here is this lady named Ms.Yoges and she
was helping others by setting up a home for some girls and to these girls,
Ms.Yoges is a superhero. In my mind I knew she had chemical x. I asked her and
she told me “I don’t know, I just love what I do”.
After that I have had many opportunities
to meet successful people like Amber Chia and many more and when I asked them
what made you become who you are today and they told me I just love what I do.
I wanted to find a way to map that “I just love what I do” as chemical x. In
other words chemical x is your passion and when you find your chemical x, you
will become a superhero and I believe we all have that chemical x.”
Wesley knows what his Chemical X is and that is why he has been so successful
in what he does and by doing so he is changing people’s life. “If you could offer one advice to the younger generation what will that is?”
“Find for what you love to do, that makes you
alive and go ahead. It is learning about how to dream. Have a vision but not a
rigid vision. Learn how to dream instead of having a rigid dream. Don’t close
other opportunities around you. Find something you are passionate about which
drives you. It maybe weird to your friend but not to you ”
Wesley Chan was definitely a life changing moment for me. He helped me
understand what my Chemical X is and I am starting to see already how my life
is changing in the right direction. With this I would end this story on Wesley
Chan by sharing a quote by Wesley himself
“Live life to express not to impress”